A company that provides monofilaments and synthetic fibres for technical use
Gruppo DP is a company that distributes monofilaments and synthetic fibres for technical use. Specifically, two strands constitute our core business: firstly, fishing lines for sport and commercial use, and secondly monofilaments for gardening and agricultural use.
Born in Genoa in 1973, the company operates at a global level, in five continents and more than 80 countries, thanks to an extensive distribution network.
The core business of Gruppo DP

How Gruppo DP works
> Directly: through the distribution of products from its own brand, ASSO, as well as those from Toray and Perlon.
> Indirectly: through the provision to manufacturers of lines in origin bobbins.
> Indirectly: through the provision of products bearing the client’s own brand (OEM).
Choose Gruppo DP: what are the benefits?
> Our product and market expertise is extremely comprehensive, with specific knowledge of every geographical area, thanks to our extensive company experience in global markets. In this way, Gruppo DP is able to offer its clients excellent customer service in the selection of specific products for every market.
> Fast delivery times: Gruppo DP offers an excellent logistics service thanks to the way we organise our deliveries. These depart from both Italy and Asian ports. Furthermore, the presence of a high quantity of stock in our warehouse, which is ready to be delivered, significantly shortens our delivery times, allowing us to fulfil orders very quickly.
> Technological skills: these, combined with a deep knowledge of our clients, allow Gruppo DP to assist them during every stage of the sales process.
Since 1973, the year of its birth, Gruppo DP has committed to the development and selection of products that have what it takes to become top-of-the-range. In addition, the company has evolved over time, introducing new product categories. Our specialisation in fishing lines began in the second half of the 1980s with the introduction of ASSO DI CUORI, continuing in the 1990s with ASSO DI QUADRI.
All of Gruppo DP’s operations are based on respect for ethical principles, which favour good relationships with the clients and third parties with whom we engage. This is possible thanks to our commitment to effective and efficient principles and the pursuit of high standards of quality and safety.